Gold and copper in 2019 will remain the priority of RosGeo survey and exploation activities in the Far East
Far East PGO (Khabarovsk, a subsidiary of the state holding RosGeo) is openig the summer field season. The company will focus the survey operations immediately on four prospective gold and copper sites located in Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, and in Amur region.
- Public contracts
- Solid commercial minerals
- Gold
Far East PGO (Khabarovsk, a subsidiary of the state holding RosGeo) is openig the summer field season. The company will focus the survey operations immediately on four prospective gold and copper sites located in Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, and in Amur region.
In Khabarovsk territory the prospecting of precious metals will be conducted a separate structural unit of the company - OSP Dalgeofizika (Khabarovsk). In the field season of 2019 the company will survey two exploration sites characterized by gold-quartz and gold-copper-porphic types of mineralization - Yamtul (3-rd stage of surveys) and Khojar (2-nd stage of surveys).
In Primorye the surveys will be hold on Malachite site . Its area is 38 km 2, it is specified with copper-porphic and gold type of mineralization. The works are carried out by a separate structural subdivision of the company - Primorgeologiya (Vladivostok). The field season of 2019 opens only the second stage of three in the surveys envisaged by the public contract, but already today the specialists talk of the opportunities to detect within the territory the copper deposit with resources of at least 1,3 million tons.
In the Amur region in the new field season "golden perspectives" will be surveyed by the specialists of OSP Amurgeologyia (Blagoveshchensk) at Sololovyevo site. Within this perspective area, it is expected to identify gold-quartzal sites of vein gold-quartz small-sulfide type, as well as gold-ore fields of the linear stem zone type with large-volume mineralization and relatively low concentrations of gold.
In addition to the search for precious metals in the new field season, the units of Far East PGO will continue the work under the public contracts for explorations of energy coal within the Lakh Square on Sakhalin, as well as underground water sources in case of emergency supply for the public of Bolshoy Kamen in Primorye territory.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations.
RosGeo was established following the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2011, No. 957 on the basis of Tsentrgeologiya, an oldest Russian geological enterprise. Rosgeo is a fully state-owned company.
The enterprises within the Holding company operate in all eight Federal Districts of Russia. A total of more than 1000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields.
Far East PGO JSC was founded by merging the oldest four exploration companies of the Far East Federal District: Primorgeology JSC (Vladivostok), Dalgeophysica JSC (Khabarovsk), Amurgeology JSC (Blagoveshchensk), SakhGRE JSC (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). Today this is the largest geological cluster in the Far East - the main performer of state orders for survey and assessment geological explorations in Primorye and Khabarovsk territories, as well as Amur and Sakhalin regions.
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