Sergey Gorkov made his presentation at the pitch session of REBC and ADNOC oil company for Russian oilfield service companies
On November 14, 2021, a meeting of the Russian-Emirates Business Council (REBC) was held in Abu Dhabi in the format of a pitch session with participation of the National Oil Company ADNOC and Russian oilfield service companies.
It was the first time in the history of Russian-UAE relations, when the top managers of ADNOC in their headquarters told the representatives of Russian business about the strategy and mechanisms of the company work, certification and participation in tenders.
The meeting participants were welcomed by the Chairman of the REBC, Sergey Gorkov, Director General of Rosgeo, H.E. Abdulla Sultan Al Owais, the Chairman of the Emirates-Russian Business Council, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Emirate of Sharjda, Dr. Saif Sultan Al Nasseri, Chief Executive Officer of ADNOC.
“I am very glad that today here, at the head office of ADNOC, we were able to gather the best Russian IT and technology companies in the field of oilfield services, which received unique information on the possible areas of work with the National Oil Company of Abu Dhabi,” Sergei Gorkov emphasized . - And the leaders of ADNOC, in turn, were able to learn more about the competencies of Russian companies. I am sure that the result of our meeting will be potential joint projects."
In the framework of the pitch session, the representatives of ADNOC management made a presentation on current projects and the company development strategy, and also discussed the rules and conditions for registration as an ADNOC contractor and certification.
Russian companies told of their products and services that are in demand in the oil and gas industry in Russia, the CIS and foreign countries, and can be used in the UAE. The pitch session participants were Pipe Metallurgical Company, VimpelCom, Galen IT, OZNA, ESTM, Oil Energy, Sistema Oil and Gas, Armtel, Fiberglass Pipe Plant and others, the participants presented their products and competencies.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
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