Rosgeo has completed the field geophysical surveys in the framework of the project for prospecting of groundwater in the south of Arkhangelsk region
Archangelsk, June 18, 2020. - The specialists of North-West PGA (a subsidiary of RosGeo) completed the first stage of the field operations for prospecting and assessment of the groundwater sources to resolve the issue of drinking and household water supply for Oktyabrsky urban settlement, the administration center of Ustyansk municipal district in Arkhangelsk region.
- Drilling
Archangelsk, June 18, 2020. - The specialists of North-West PGA (a subsidiary of RosGeo) completed the first stage of the field operations for prospecting and assessment of the groundwater sources to resolve the issue of drinking and household water supply for Oktyabrsky urban settlement, the administration center of Ustyansk municipal district in Arkhangelsk region.
The purpose of the project is to identify the resources of drinking quality fresh underground water in the volume of 3000 m3/day in C1 category. The works are performed in the framework of a public contract in accordance with the program “Reproduction and use of natural resources”.
During the field period the geophysical surveys were carried out by vertical electric sounding method at 280 points along the profiles with a total length of more than 26 linear kilometers. The analysis of the data collected by geophysicists enables to achieve the geological objectives, fundamental for further surveys - to study the lithological composition of the bedrock and Quaternary structures, and to determine its thickness. The preliminary processing and interpretation of the field survey data resulted in elaboration of the geoelectric cross-sections and its geological interpretation.
The geologists also conducted the detailed reconnaissance of the surveyed area, identified the routes for entrance of drilling equipment to the project sites and installation of the exploratory wells, which were adjusted on the basis of all collected data. Currently, the coordination of the site locations for installation of the wells is in progress to obtain the appropriate permits for use of the forest land. The completion of these works is expected in 2021.
Oktyabrsky village is situated on the left bank of the River Ustye (Northern Dvina basin), where the sanitary and hygienic state of the water is hardly suitable for drinking. The village water supply is provided by groundwater sources, but the existing water intake is located in the vicinity of the brackish groundwater propagation boundary, and quality of the mined water is deteriorated during operation of the wells.
JSC North-West Mining Production Association (formerly Saint-Petersburg Comprehensive Geological Expedition; JSC Sevzapgeologia and JSC Severkvarzsamotsvety entered into the Association in 2017) is a fast-growing company engaged in all kinds of geological prospecting works for solid minerals and water resources: geological, prospecting and evaluation, explorations, field reconnaissance, hydrogeological and geo-environmental surveys.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1,000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
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