Rosgeologiya has completed seismic data processing on two areas in the Perm territory for LUKOIL
Perm, August 30, 2019 - Permneftegeofizika (a subsidiary of RosGeo) in August completed the seismic data processing of two entities under contract with LUKOIL-PERM, the largest mining company in Perm region. At the final stage the company performed the processing of field 3D CPDM seismic data materials from Uinsk and Pavlov areas totaling in 443 sq. km completed in the winter season 2018-2019.
- Seismic survey
- Hydrocarbons
Perm, August 30, 2019 - Permneftegeofizika (a subsidiary of RosGeo) in August completed the seismic data processing of two entities under contract with LUKOIL-PERM, the largest mining company in Perm region. At the final stage the company performed the processing of field 3D CPDM seismic data materials from Uinsk and Pavlov areas totaling in 443 sq. km completed in the winter season 2018-2019.
Ubder another contract with LUKOIL-PERM the Perm geophysicists are implementing a project for detailed surveys of the geological structure of the Carboniferous and Devonian deposits in East Sharapovo area on the border of the Oktyabrsk district of Perm territory and Askinsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The project objectives are to evaluate potentially oil-bearing areas, to prepare them for prospecting and exploratory drilling, and to specify parameters of the Savarsk deposit located within the licensed site. The 3D CDPM seismic explorations were performed in the area of 330,8 during the summer field season in the framework of the contract by Permneftegeofizika.
The successful fulfillment of contractual obligations allows to expand the cooperation between RosGeo subsidiaries and LUKOIL in Perm territory. In the II-nd quarter of 2019 Permneftegeofizika and LUKOIL-PERM signed two new contracts. The first one envisages the performance in 2019-2021 of 3D CPDM seismic surveys at Shesterovo, East-Chukavino and East-Vishera sites totaling in 863,5 square kilometers, processing and interpretation of the received data. Under the second quarter will be performed the monitoring, re-processing and re-interpretation of 3D seismic surveys (345 in Levino field taking into account the drilling results.
Permneftegeophisica is a fast-growth geophysical company actively operating in the market of seismic exploration and oilfield geophysics. Using sophisticated technologies, the company provides a wide range of services in the field of downhole geophysical surveys, geological and engineering operations for borehole drilling, as well as perforating operations. Concerning the exploratory geophysics, the company performs field seismic explorations, designs field observation systems, processes and interprets geophysical data.
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