Russia will hold hackathon of designers in the digital development center on the Russky island
On 14 and 15 December, Rosgeo will hold a hackathon for students of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in the Digital Development Center on the Russky Island, to address the objectives in the field on artificial intelligence.
- Digital Geology
- Scienc
- Personnel management
On 14 and 15 December, Rosgeo will hold a hackathon for students of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in the Digital Development Center on the Russky Island, to address the objectives in the field on artificial intelligence.
The purpose of hackathon is to mobilize the intellectual capacities of FEFU and Primorsk Territory graduates and employees to address the complicated data processing issues.
As the assignment the participants shall generate a predictive model to define the market behavior based on the large set of stock market data on the digital asset operations.
This assignment has been selected with due consideration of the specifics of the FEFU-based "Digital Geology" Laboratory created by Rosgeo in September 2019. The focus of the laboratory is to develop a comprehensive range of algorithms and software solutions for processing and analyzing big geological data, and to generate high-accuracy predictive models based on the artificial intelligence technologies.
The use of new innovative products will raise the Rosgeo efficiency through the significant reduction of operating costs and time for geological exploration, and multiple reduction of time required for geological data processing.
200 students will take part in the hackathon. The contest winner, a team of 4 persons will be invited to work in the Digital Geology laboratory and receive four monetary certificates of 100,000 Rubles each for the cloud platform Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions to create own projects.
In addition to Rosgeo's managers, the Judges at the contest will include representatives of Mail.Ru Group, Huobi Group (P. R. China), Digital Wave Finance (Switzerland), FEFU and Administration of the Primorsk Territory.
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